Natural Disasters Archives - Eve Farnell

Barbados Hurricane: Impact, Mitigation, and Recovery

Impact of Hurricanes on Barbados Barbados hurricane – Barbados, a Caribbean island nation, is prone to the destructive forces of hurricanes. These powerful storms have left a significant mark on the country, causing widespread damage and disrupting lives. Barbados dodged a bullet as Hurricane Beryl passed just north of the island, bringing heavy rains but … Read more

Tornado Warning Issued for Fulton, Missouri: Stay Alert and Prepared

Tornado Warnings in Fulton, Missouri Tornado warning fulton mo – On [date], the National Weather Service issued a tornado warning for Fulton, Missouri, and the surrounding areas. The warning was issued based on radar data indicating the presence of a rotating thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado. Tornadoes are violent, rotating columns of air that … Read more